Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Active Minds Activating Hearts

LBCC’s chapter of the Active Minds Club proudly hosted Lynn Bain and her Suicide Prevention presentation to the Albany LBCC campus on May 22.  

Room 206 in North Santiam Hall facilitates learning and last Thursday was no exception.

Lynn Bain, lead 35 students and faculty through her presentation, that both reassured and informed each person in the room that there is hope when dealing with suicide issues. She stressed that getting involved is the answer.

” My son took his life when he was 19. Even though I had been trained, and worked as a counselor for 20 years, I didn't recognize the seriousness of his situation. Since 2002 I actively sought out training in the field, and as a department we started offering workshops on campus. We also formed a Suicide Prevention Coalition on campus comprised of faculty, staff and students. Our goal was to organize activities to spread information about suicide prevention campus-wide,” said Bain.

Mark Weiss Initially Contacted Bain on behalf of the Active Minds Club to organize a time and place to conduct the suicide prevention presentation.

Weiss is a part of the career services department here on campus as well as an a active member of the Active Minds club. Weiss “pitches in from time to time” helping organize events for the club. Weiss had some words to share regarding his concern around the issue of suicide.

” First, and foremost, that suicide is all too common at colleges and universities throughout the country, accounting for over 1000 student deaths per year. Second, that most suicides are preventable, if a) someone reaches out to the student who is suffering, and 2) there is awareness of how to get help.”

Bain provided the group with a multitude of educational resources including links to http://www.halfofus.com/  and also refurred the assembily of staff and student to the Active Mindes web site http://www.activeminds.org. both of which provide information regarding suicide prevention.

Bain has taken tragedy from her life, and refocused it into educating students and peers as to the complex issues that surround suicide. She emphasized  Recognizing warning signs and that offering help can prevent suicide.

“ My hope is that we all can be more comfortable discussing the subject of suicide, and mental illness in general. Mental illness is treatable - and suicide is preventable.  Where there is help, there is hope,” said Bain.

The active minds club meets once a month on the albany campus. The next meeting for the group will be at noon May 30. in room 107 of the North Santiam Hall building.

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