Friday, April 11, 2014

Alert, conservative activist group on campus

 Students from the LB sponsored club Students for Life conducted conversations while canvasing  the Learning Center expressing their views on pro-life issues. The topics included abortion, possibles alternative to abortion and less know facts regarding abortion.

 The group introduced themselves with vigor as the Students for Life Club Each time they approached a table in the Learning Center. As the first of these conversations came to a close, the group handedout some fliers and invited the small group of students they had been talking with to their weekly meeting. 

 Stunned students at the table continued having a conversation about abortion as the group of activists advanced to the next unsuspecting table.

Like a well-oiled machine, the group casually fired up and quickly got to work. The group began explaining their views on the topics of pro-life and anti-abortion and not so much as flinch phased any of the group members while shocked looks replaced the at first skeptical expressions on the students. Handing out more of their fliers, the group left the table to and continued on their path.

“I grew up in a Christian, pro-life home, but abortion was never really discussed in length, and I never really thought about it beyond 'abortion kills a baby and it's wrong.' When I went to D.C. for the SFLA [Students for Life of America] conference and Walk for Life in 2012 Bowser said, “it opened my eyes to how huge the issue really is".

 “Students for Life started in 2012 after I returned from Washington D.C. I came home with a new-found passion for pro-life activism, and I set out to start the club. I soon found that I wasn't the only one who was interested in starting a pro-life club, and many faithful members began to join in.”

Rebecca Long, One of the groups outspoken group members said, “We started the group on campus because we were all passionate about providing help to women in need as well as defending life from beginning to end. Starting a club on campus was a great way to take what we were passionate about and do something about it in our daily lives as students at LBCC.”

 At the group's most recent weekly meeting, there was a crackling of excitement among the group’s different members about an award they earned. The "Club of the Month Award” is given out to different school groups around the country by the SFLA, which has been instrumental in the club’s creation.

Long explained, “The Club of the Month award is an award that is given to the club that demonstrates the utmost commitment to defending women and their unborn children.”
Lang provided a description of what the award represents.

At the weekly meeting, with standing room only, the large group barely crammed into one of the conference rooms located in the LBCC Library. The club worked through their agenda with ease, in part to a well-organized formal agenda. The meeting had not only group members in attendance, but faculty members and political representatives as well. The group systematically discussed both current events and upcoming events that the group has involvement in. Members collectively exchanged ideas about new tactics and concepts in an effort to become more effective.

Vikki Maurer is this club’s sponsor, as well as the Learning Center Coordinator and mathematics instructor here at LBCC. During an interview, Maurer quickly expressed her confidence in the group by saying, “It is an honor for me to be the adviser for this group. These are exceptional students who have a deep respect for life. They are caring, respectful, polite, enthusiastic and hard working.”. Maurer made time in her schedule to be interviewed further via email regarding her support for the school sponsored club. Maurer expressed that the group is very active on campus and in the community at large by saying.

“The group is focused on education and supporting students who find themselves pregnant by making sure they are aware of resources. and that " the Students for Life have reinforced the idea that at the college level we can have respectful conversations about issues, even if we do not agree."

“We have hosted many campus wide demonstrations and displays this past year some of which include our 'What Has Roe Done for Us?' Display where we showed the effects that legal abortion has had on our country, our 'Post Abortive Panel of women' testimonies and questionnaire, our 'Planned Parenthood' display where we showed who really benefits from abortions, and our 'cemetery of the innocent' display, memorializing the children we have lost to the abortion industry.”

Lang said, “Be on the lookout for our group in the coming months! We plan on hosting a twice weekly table in the courtyard where pregnant women on campus can find out what resources LBCC provides pregnant and single mothers who are trying to earn an education!”

At a glance
Who: The student club called "Students for life"
What: A pro-life conservative activist group. 
Leaders: Steven Bowser 
Club Sponsor: Vikkie Mauere
Contact info:

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